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170.070 Visiting Speakers Supported from Funds Other Than Regular Budget

Bd. Min. 9-26-69, p. 34,766.

  1. Requests for Outside Speakers or Programs -- When requests are reviewed and determined for use of University facilities or resources for outside speakers or programs, the following criterion should be taken into consideration.
    1. The University is and must remain a forum for the free and orderly exchange of scholarly ideas and information.
    2. Freedom of inquiry into all areas of human knowledge and beliefs, be such areas currently popular or not, is basic to the search for truth.
    3. In order to insure freedom of inquiry for its students, this University is dedicated to the free and open exchange of ideas beliefs and theories in its sponsored programs and activities limited only by such rules and regulations as deemed necessary to insure their peaceful and orderly expression, in an atmosphere of open exchange and under conditions conducive to critical evaluation of divergent points of view, and under circumstances and at times and places which will not conflict or interfere with the regularly scheduled functions of the University.
    4. It is the intent of the University that an appropriate balance of topics be expressed in a sound academic approach to any subject or theory.
  2. Chairperson of the Program -- The President or his delegated representative may designate an appropriate senior faculty member to function as Chairman of the program and to conduct a free and impartial discussion following the presentation.
  3. All meetings and speakers are subject to all laws, University Rules and Regulations covering the use of University buildings and property.

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