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310.080 Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Workload Policy

Bd. Min. 12-3-92, revised Bd. Min. 4-1-04, Amended Bd. Min. 11-29-07; Amended 4-27-17.

  1. Each department [1] will develop a faculty [2] workload standard for teaching, research, service, and administration [3]. The standard must specify the types of assignments and the distribution of the percent of effort in each function. The appropriate Dean and the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the campus will review and approve the department workload standard according to the objectives of the department and the average instructional responsibility for the campus as defined in section D. In the event that a department does not implement an approved departmental workload standard, the Department Chair will assign workloads such that each faculty member in the department performs teaching responsibilities at or above the level of the average instructional responsibility defined in section D.
  1. The Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will confer regularly with each Dean concerning implementation of departmental workload standards. Departmental workload standards will be reviewed as part of the five-year program review.
  1. At the time of the annual review of the performance of the faculty member (see CRR 310.015), the Department Chair [4], in consultation with the individual faculty member, will determine a faculty member's assignments and distribution of effort in the areas of teaching, research, service and administration relative to the departmental workload standard. The faculty member's workload distribution will be recorded on the annual review document. The distribution may be assigned for the coming academic year or for multiple years up to the tenure review for untenured faculty, or the five-year post-tenure review for tenured faculty. A multi-year workload assignment will not be considered as assurance that an appointment will be renewed during the period covered by the assignment. At the time of the tenure review or the post-tenure review, the appropriateness of the workload distribution of the previous period will be assessed together with the faculty member's performance. Assignments among faculty members will vary to meet the objectives of the department.
  1. The average instructional responsibility for all tenured and tenure track faculty members on each campus will be 9 section credits per semester. The Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will establish instructional benchmarks for each college and school to attain the campus average instructional responsibility goal of 9 section credits per semester.
  1. The assigned teaching load for individual faculty should be (a) aligned with the department's workload standard; (b) consistent with the campus goal for average instructional responsibility; and (c) commensurate with research productivity, time devoted to individual instruction and advising, assignment of administrative duties, service assignments, and sabbaticals or faculty development leaves. Because of circumstances such as course cancellations, the Department Chair will modify teaching assignments; therefore, the actual teaching load of individual faculty will be calculated after any such modifications have been made. In calculating section credits or student credit hours, all forms of instruction will be included (such as off-campus, off-schedule, research supervision, clinical supervision, and independent study), although instruction for extra compensation will be excluded. Individual faculty effort in research and service will be calculated according to measures approved by the department. The distribution of effort for tenure-track faculty during the probationary period should be commensurate with departmental, college and campus standards for promotion and tenure. No regular faculty member can be assigned either fewer than 12 section credits or fewer than 180 student credit hours per academic year without an instructional workload adjustment requested by the Department Chair and issued by the Dean.
  1. Using a faculty activity reporting system common to all campuses, each faculty member will submit an annual report of any faculty activities. The Department Chair will use the report, including the distribution of effort relative to the department's workload standard, to conduct an annual review of the performance of the faculty member (see CRR 310.015). The dean will analyze departmental outcomes using data from the common faculty activity reporting system and work with the appropriate Department Chair to reconcile any disparities between a department workload standard and departmental outcomes.
  1. The Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on each campus will supply an aggregate report of faculty workload to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


  1. The word "department" refers to an academic unit.
  2. The term "faculty" refers to regular faculty throughout section 310.080, as defined in CRR 310.020.A. This document uses "tenured and tenure track faculty" to refer to "regular faculty."
  3. Extension and continuing education activities represent an extension of the teaching and research functions of the institution. Faculty engaged in this mission will be evaluated by the same criteria applied to other tenured and tenure track faculty (see CRR 320.035.B.2.c.).
  4. The term "department chair" refers to the leader of an academic unit.

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