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LabArchives Evaluation

Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) are tools for documenting the research process and may be useful for keeping track of research workflows and data in many disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. One such application is LabArchives, a secure cloud-based ELN application that enables researchers to create, store, share and manage their research data.

LabArchives provides a flexible, extensible platform that can be customized to match a research lab鈥檚 workflow providing benefits to principal investigators, laboratory managers, research staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. Researchers working outside of a traditional Principal Investigator (PI) led laboratory settings can still use the ELN.

The university's LabArchives evaluation includes the following products:

  • LabArchives ELN for Research - for research labs
  • LabArchives Inventory - to streamline the organization, tracking, and ordering of lab inventory

Register an account

First, all participants should create their own LabArchives account by signing in with their university ID and password and completing the form.

Training sessions

Training is available for researchers, PIs and administrators (lab admins and department admins). Click on a training session date below to access the Zoom registration form for that session.

If the sessions do not meet scheduling needs, please reach out to the LabArchives Enterprise Success Manager, Linda Cubias, MLIS, to schedule a session at a more convenient time.

For additional training resources:

  • Request one of the s
  • Consult informational videos on the

Submit feedback

Thank you for helping support our evaluation of LabArchives. To help shape decision-making around what system might best serve our needs, we would like your feedback on the use of the electronic laboratory notebook to support you and your lab going forward. .

Reviewed 2022-08-30