

IPEDS Reporting Year 12-month Enrollment 2009-10 (2008-09 Data)
Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID: 29C0011
Race and Ethnicity Reporting Method
Which method of reporting race and ethnicity will you use for this component?
   NEW race/ethnicity categories (9 categories):
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Nonresident alien
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       OLD race/ethnicity categories (7 categories):
        Nonresident alien
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       MIXTURE of new and old race/ethnicity categories (all 14 categories will show on each screen):
      NEW categories:
      Notes for NEW categories:
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Hispanic/Latino
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
      OLD categories:
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
      Categories used in BOTH New and Old:
        Nonresident alien
        Race and ethnicity unknown

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    12-Month Reporting Period and Instructional Activity Units
    Which 12-month period you will use to report your unduplicated count and activity hours?
          July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009
         September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009
    Undergraduate instructional activity data may be reported in Part B in units of contact hours or credit hours. Which instructional activity units will you use to report undergraduate instructional activity?
    Please note that any graduate student instructional activity must be reported in credit hours.
          Contact hours
         Credit hours
         Both contact and credit hours (some undergraduate programs measured in contact hours and some measured in credit hours)
    You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Unduplicated Count
    12-month Unduplicated Count by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
    for the 2008-09 Academic Year
      Undergraduate students Graduate students
    Nonresident alien    
    Black, non-Hispanic    
    American Indian/Alaska Native    
    Asian/Pacific Islander    
    White, non-Hispanic    
    Race and ethnicity unknown    
    Total men  3,970  1,474
    Nonresident alien    
    Black, non-Hispanic    
    American Indian/Alaska Native    
    Asian/Pacific Islander    
    White, non-Hispanic    
    Race and ethnicity unknown    
    Total women  1,197  445
    Grand total (2008-09)  5,167  1,919
    Prior year data:  
    Unduplicated headcount (2007-08)  4,984  1,806
    Total enrollment Fall 2008
    NOTE: Grand total (2008-09) calculated above is expected to be greater than Total enrollment Fall 2008.
     4,911  1,456

    Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B - Instructional Activity
    12-month Instructional Activity
      Total 12-month activity Total 12-month activity from PY
    Credit hour activity for academic programs    131,992
    Credit hour activity for academic programs    22,159
    Based on the instructional activity hours reported above and your institution’s calendar system, the estimated full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is:
    Undergraduates 4,548
    Graduates 951
    Calendar System (as reported on the prior year IC survey component): Semester
    The FTE numbers above were estimated using an FTE Calculation Method.
    If the FTE numbers calculated are accurate, click 'No' below and save the page.
    If they are not accurate, and you have reported the correct instructional activity hours above, click on 'Yes' below and save the page. When you click 'Yes', the system will give you the opportunity to enter more accurate FTE numbers. This option should be used ONLY if you use a different calculation that leads to more accurate numbers.
    Based on the information provided above, would you like to enter a more accurate number for FTE enrollment? Yes No

    Institution:  Missouri University of Science and Technology (178411) User ID:  29C0011
    Explanation Report
    There are no explanations for selected survey and institution